I really do not like my mac computer. Is it an imac? Or is that only the notebook ones??? I told Kevin from the beginning that I have never liked macs. Had to use them in college for a whole semester and I hated them. I am a PC girl! Don't get me wrong, I love Apple...ipod and iphone are awesome. HATE the computer. I want a new PC laptop for my birthday.
It takes me forever to load pictures to blogger, or to do anything on the internet, for that matter. And cutting and pasting??? Does that even exist in the world of mac? That is the main reason I don't blog too often--it takes forever to get my pictures on. And without pictures, let's face it, my blog is downright boring! My words are lame.
So, anyway, to sum it up, I am done with the mac. I have a birthday in 9 days. Maybe my sweet hubby will read this and head on down to the Best Buy...I really like those little Dells that you can get in any color. Pink would be rad!